Monday 21 February 2022

Fluoride and electron

Electron penting untuk jana tenaga dalam mitokondria. Electron combine dgn oxygen untuk hasilkan tenaga ATP dalam proses. Tapi fluoride ni menyibuk berebut nak combine dgn oxygen jgk. Kita penat2 jemur, grounding, makan real food untuk dapatkan electron, tapi hasil kureng sbb

fluoride menyibuk nak menempel dengan oxygen. Oxygen ni rnr bagi electron. Ciri2 yg ada pd fluoride tu menyebabkan dia compete dgn electron. Hence, kene kurangkan fluoride dalam hidup kita mcm toothpaste, drinking water, penggunaan air dalam masakkan, process food dan lain2


Fluorine is the most electronegative element, it will withdraw electron to to its core. Dalam konteks redox potential dy indirectly compete dgn Oxygen which is terminal electron acceptor dalam electron transport chain. So net negative charge kurang dlm cell, redox 🔽.

@abe Q

Macamana fluoride effect our body boleh refer this thread

"Greater exposure to high levels of fluoride [F-] in water was significantly associated with reduced levels of intelligence in children. Therefore, water quality & exposure to fluoride in water should be controlled in areas with high F- levels in water."

"Children in high F- areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those lived in low F- areas."

☝️ I pressume generally parents (especially young parents) aware about F- affects to their children. Usually we opt for fluoride free toothpaste for the little ones especially to avoid accidental consumption.

The risk is also on adults. Fluoride may calcifies the pineal gland where the accumulation & calcification of fluoride may result in melatonin deficiency. Which will interrupt the circadian rhythm i.e. the sleep/wake cycle.

Consumers' Association of Penang has raised valid concerns on fluoridation of our water supply. In summary, -F- is a toxic substance for consumption -Risk of excessive intake -Impair thyroid hormones -Topical is sufficient, no need ingestion -many more

What it the recommended #KMSS water? Ideally it is Deuterium Depleted Water (no F-). However it is not easily available within our geographical location and it is expensive to procure.

So among options that available are 1. Distilled Water (DW) 2. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water 3. Mineral Water (MW) All are acceptable provided there's no F-. If you decide to buy, those in glass bottle is the best option (instead of plastic). Best to have a system at home

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