Sunday, 4 December 2022

Infrared Light

 Uncoupled mito need IR to burn fat. Sebab tu depa keto paleo. Depa banyak ir and cold.

Ours coupled lebih sesuai/need UV to make leptin and keep the carb ros under control. Sebab tu kita makan nasik berlauk for bfast. Kita ada melanin tak sunburn. In fact melanin = è percuma

Depa sunrise sunset lama, kita kejap je. Tak faham ya, takut sun 8am+ss, mandi heater, dok ekon, makan ketopaleo, astu masih gemuk, hiit sampai lutut kiok turun 3kgs sebab mitokokdiang lemah

Thursday, 1 December 2022


Honeypot 🍯 #WarOnCars @oyhoyhoney

1. Fix your circadian rhythm & heal leakygut.

2. Sunning: #kultusmatahari #kmsssunningguide 

3. Grounding.

4. Gaps diet + Histamine free diet.

4. Elixir.

5. Limit blue light & all nnemf, esp after sunset. Blue light blocker if you need to. 

6. Nasal irrigation.

7. Oil pulling. 

Breathe. Breathe properly. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Get outside with the ☀️ and breathe. You'll be suprised how many people don't know how to breathe. Read Quran, zikir, meditate, yoga, wtv you want. 8. Increase your nitric oxide.

Too much histamine is lack of sun & toxic nnemf environment= circadian disruption. Histidine ➡️ histamine. Histidine is an aromatic amino acid that absorbs UV light.

Mast cells are controlled by their own circadian clock. Your timing for everything — wake up, eat, exercise, work, sleep is key. Masa itu emas.!po=11.9048

Histamine intolerance affects your whole body. People ask why I'm so hard to cut gluten out of my diet. This is why. Gluten = neuroinflammation. Where there is nasal inflammation, there is neuroinflammation.

Ada yg takmau sunning ke hape2 yg kena mengena dgn KMSS. Go pay for acupuncture weekly. Money grows on trees. But until you fix your body system, you'll always be stuck in the same cycle.