Wednesday, 8 February 2023

UVB light in the eye

Jalal @k2calibre

I'm coming after your sunglasses.

Firstly, how has it become normal to block our eyes, the window to the soul, from the very source of all energy on Earth, the sun?

 Secondly, UVB light in the eye stimulates the production of alpha-MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) which results in melanogenesis, the production of melanin, in your skin!

Here is alpha-MSH Note the 6 carbon benzene ring photon traps that I've mentioned in previous posts.

So UVB light in the eye increases alpha-MSH which leads to increased melanin in your skin. Melanin absorbs UV light. The UV light splits water into H2 and O2. Just like in the chlorophyll molecule. The result is the release of 4 electrons

So UVB light in the eye increases melanin in the skin, which: i. increases our ability to absorb UV light via the skin, without damage ii. frees up electrons to increase our redox Imagine covering up the eyes when exposing this portal actually protects you from UV light.

UV light in the eye is protective for your skin! And everyone is wearing sunglasses. The number of people I see wearing sunglasses at sunrise is sad. Sun exposure has to be responsible. Build a solar callous. Ask better questions and you'll find better answers.

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