Thursday, 12 May 2022


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Magnesium is a light story bukan saja sebab soil depletion *itu ajaran food guru/wellness*

Ingat tak gambar redox treatment. Red light sunrise => selain dari ATP, produk utama mitokondria adalah air *ez water* Magnesium bersifat mudah larut dan aktif dalam air ez.

Kalau redox anda 💯 tak perlu ambil mag untuk jangka panjang. Mungkin dos berkurangan atau 2-3 seminggu. Yg penting jemur.

Jemur dulu. 🌞 Light >> supplements.

Makan magnesium tapi tak jemur = mitokondria jem, hasilkan radang.
Makan magnesium tapi blue light nnmef toxic = jem mitokondria. Bila mito jem, dia kurang buat air, kapasiti sebagai battery menurun = poor redox. Bila banyak mitokondria gred cikai = high heteroplasmy rate.

In order for magnesium (hydrophilic ion )to work properly, it need EZ water. Build EZ water first during sunrise and sunset, and when the proper signaling put in place baru fikir pasal supplement.
Most of the time the problem arises due to homeostatic dysregulation, bukan disebabkan kekurangan Magnesium.
Redox shift of mitochondrial metabolism which cause the dysregulation of Magnesium in mitochondria. Redox shift berlaku sebab poor light environment ( blue light toxic, low exposure to sun, nnmef ) which eventually slow ETC and less ATP production.
To answer your question, we need Mag to produce ATP, but it should not be our concern if our light environment is correct.

Makan 2 biji, tutup lampu, pejam mata. Cus it can make you insomniac kalau tak jaga light environment cus of elevated serotonin. Light mimics ☀️, you know it.
☀️ + mg = ↗️serotonin. That's why light environment kena sangat jaga.
Mg at night >> morning. For me, morning boost tu just get from sun, kmss breakfast and also good deep sleep from the night before. And you're set for the day insyaAllah. Keep the day bright😊

Magnesium suggestion : Magnesium glycinate brand NOW or KAL

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