Monday 10 June 2024


 Sebenarnya keto n puasa pon boleh buat mitochondria baru cuma in the long run, badan akan naikkan cortisol utk compensate low glucose.

Plus carbs ada advantage replenish NADP utk comelkan hormone profile.

Cortisol arahkan badan utk breakdown energy reservr jadi glucose. Yg pathway sedara mention tu perlukan cortisol. Puasa > stress> stress hormone>glucose - Qitchen

Food is an electromagnetic barcode for the season's power density Which is dictated by the amount of UV present in your environment (latitude) . /

When you live at the equator you WANT carbs because you WANT to be utilizing Ctychrome 1 (highlighted) in the Electron Transport Chain When you are up north with weak UV you DONT want that, and instead want to utilize Cytochrome 2 with high amounts of fat and low carbs - /

The unstated nuance in this whole dietary debate is that environmental signals - specifically LIGHT & TEMPERATURE dictate the suitability of different diets Strict carnivore is effectively a ‘wintertime’ diet, because animals are the only food source in low UV conditions of high latitudes. It is also the lowest in deuterium. Most people today are simulating an ultra-low UV environment through indoor living, sun avoidance, sunglasses, sunscreens This is one reason why strict carnivore is so effective initially - it compensates for lack of deuterium depleting ability that we would otherwise have getting under strong sunlight. When Paul moved to Costa Rica, having long since fixed the symptoms that necessitated strict carnivore, being primely metabolically healthy and now getting abundant UV light & equatorial temperature signals through surfing, beach living, etc , a LACK of seasonal carbs became a problem (as described in the video)…why? Because this represented a mismatch between his diet and his environment. The opposite problem is actually much worse - consuming equatorial, deuterium rich foods at higher latitudes. This is a recipe for metabolic disease and insulin resistance for the above stated reasons. How do we therefore make practical sense of all this? Eat hyperlocally and default to low carb/keto if metabolically sick or living at high latitude. If the above do not apply to you then Paul has shown you can not only include carbs, but you actually need them to thrive in an active lifestyle such as his. - /@

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