Monday, 25 September 2023

KMSS Berot

 Berot reference

train diri untuk berot hari2 - Sun perut. Elixir. Lemon + garam. Air byk.

Also memberot juga ada timing dia. @far_arghh,May 17, 2022

Berot 10 minit lepas makan Dipanggil gastrocolix reflex. Tahik yg keluar tu senanya from colon, tahik yang dah lama fermented.

Breakfast before 8 is a nice way to induce healthy berot.

@marinagamba1909 💩 sebelum subuh 💩 lepas subuh 💩 lepas sunrise 💩 lepas am sun or later in the day.

Kalau CR intact, gut enterocytes akan recycled sokmo, membawa deuterium into your 💩 in 24/48 hour cycles. In the end we want a deuterium depletion, more energy for kemaslahatan gut.

@marinagamba1909 Constipation is a DHA deficiency problem.

Hayati @yourbishhhhhhh I just nak share selalu baca you tweet pasal circadian rhythm and leaky gut. I ada masalah digestion since baby. But after 2 weeks I betulkan timing tidur and makan, no more constipation and indigestion! Also mood pun jadi better. Will try to start grounding soon! 11:58 AM · Jan 13, 2022

Leakygut 🤝🏾 estrogen dominance. Constipation 🤝🏾
@Outdoctrination gut problems and excess estrogen often go hand in hand bacterial overgrowths can contribute to the "re-activation" of estrogen after the "detoxification" by the liver enters the intestines, adding to the estrogenic burden. constipation also contributes, since the fecal excretion of these "detoxified estrogens" is paramount meanwhile, the excess endotoxin and thus serotonin and inflammation from the excess bacterial accumulation poisons the liver, further reducing estrogen detoxification start pooping.

Boleh disimpulkan orang yg jam kitar hari nya tergelincir = sembelit. You don't sleep you don't poop.
The frequency, timing and quality of your stool 💩 tell me (a clinician) a lot MORE + a detailed intake process than an elaborate + expensive non-specific functional medicine testing regime, which might be better placed later in our clinical relationship.

Blue light and nonEMF > melanopsin dysfunction > destroys DHA > cells dehydrated and in + charge > can’t store and use energy > constipation. UBIQUITINATION 22: HOW DO PLANTS CONTROL THEIR GROWTH PROCESS? – Dr. Jack Kruse

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